Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Stay true to you.

I'm not "different" than everyone else. In some sense, we're all the same. If you know about the Evolution Tree, you'll get this. We're all of a common ancestor, and we're all human. We all have a heartbeat, we all live. We all have ideas and thoughts. These ideas and thoughts are most likely not a far fetched idea that only you have thought of. Someone has thought of this, already. For lack of motivation, or any other reasons, some ideas may have been kept hidden and unknown, but that doesn't mean you're the only person to have thought it. We all have common traits with others, and are like other people. We will have the similar, if not the same; shirt, style, haircut, car. Material things, of course. On the other hand, we will have passions, ideas, thoughts, wishes, dreams. Others may have these same functions as well. We all are different in a sense that; A combination of certain pet peeves, favourite movies, ideas for a future, etc. There may be combinations that not many people have. Curley Sue loves french fries. So do you. Curley Sue hates war. So do you. Curley Sue is allergic to dogs. You're allergic to cats. The two have similar characteristics, but that doesn't make you the same. We're all different and original, we're all the same. Your DNA has been formed in a way that will never be formed again. But, we are all human, and have the same mind. We will have similar ideas, and loves. We're just as different as we are the same in this World. Quit trying to prove to everyone you are different, 'cause frankly no one gives damn. No one gives a damn about your clothes, so don't dress to impress. No one cares if you have every Lil' Wayne poster on your wall. No one cares if you start a trend. Be yourself, be you. People will appreciate that far more, than your image of different. If you're being yourself, and you're called different? T-rrific. That person finds something about your true personality refreshing. But, don't try and convince everyone that you are something you are not. For then, you are the same as alot of other people. When you're yourself, you're more different than you will ever be while ATTEMPTING to be something you're not. Stay true to you.


Keilly's the name.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.