Clair de lune is my favourite song and has been since I was a kid?
I bet you didn't.
That's the only song that has stuck through with me along the years.
As has the colour blue, nature, coffee, singing, big trucks/dogs, art, stars, the love for my family, and the smell of campfires. It's funny to see what has still remained a favourite in my life since I was young. Well, younger. I'm sure there's others, but those have really stuck and stood out. For my birthday, I want a telescope.
I'm going to learn Clair de lune on the piano, after I learn my dad's song for his birthday.
Goodnight, everyone.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
"I want to break
all the madness, but it's all I have."
Rose Garden- Nick Jonas & the Administration.
The music project in general is very nice. Kind of reminds me of John Mayer, 'cept younger.
There's your music recommendation for the day.
I hate heart monitors. Case closed.
Workin' on a new song on the guitar. mmm.
Rose Garden- Nick Jonas & the Administration.
The music project in general is very nice. Kind of reminds me of John Mayer, 'cept younger.
There's your music recommendation for the day.
I hate heart monitors. Case closed.
Workin' on a new song on the guitar. mmm.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I haven't felt both of those in the longest time. I vented to my dear friend, today. I vented to a "higher" friend last night. I prayed for, I think, fifteen minutes. This is abnormal for me, but I really enjoyed it. I haven't prayed in a really long time.
"Forgive my hesitation, oh but, I'm learning to trust in you."
I think I'm going to do a cover of this song, soon.
I love my friends who can tell something is wrong by just noticing my crooked smile. They can tell so quickly I'm having an off day & do by whatever means possible to try and help. A hug does the trick, or even just reading my two page note complaining about certain situations, people, etc. You guys know who you are and thank you.
Sometimes, I sincerely consider, doing half of my classes online + more; Psychology, Anthropology, Children development, etc. Things high school doesn't offer, generally. I'd still come to school for my Art classes, Choir, A.P. World History, lunch. But, I am SO sick of getting crap for not coming to school. If I was actually skipping school, or "faking sick", I'd be just fine with getting crap. I'd deserve it. If I were skipping school, I'd sure as hell be doing something fun. I wouldn't be laying in bed, sleeping, doing homework, etc. But, that's the "fun" things I do when I stay home sick. I also understand that it's stupid when I don't come to school because, I have a runny nose. But, it's never something so simple as a runny nose. If I stay home with a runny nose, it's because I also have a fever, and/or can barely speak. I come to school when the school and my parents allow me. But, I refuse to come to school throwing up, with a fever, when my immune system is dead. I refuse to come to school sick, and torturing myself for weeks, when the average cold [which rocks my shit 10X more than it would normal people], could have been gone within two days if I had stayed home and rested like my doctors tell me to do. This 17 days of missing school is NOTHING compared to the nearly three months I missed last year. So, I'd truely appreciate if people would stop harassing me with bitchy and snitty remarks of how I came to school that day, because I had missed 2 days of school a week before due to; bloodwork, a cold, and going to the hospital to be hooked up to a heart monitor. If I were faking sick, I wouldn't text you from home saying, "Hey dude, I'm really sorry I won't be there today. I'm feeling like hell, and throwing up." I'd text you and tell you, "SUCKER, I don't have to go to school today. Suck on that! I'm going to Jamba Juice!"
I enjoy school, very much. I love my friends. Sure, I hate one of my classes. But, I enjoy school overall. Getting shitty remarks for the higher percent of days that I'm actually there, about one day I missed the week before. It'll eventually make me not want to come to school at all. I refuse to let you take away something I enjoy because, you don't "believe someone can get sick so often", or you just feel funny. It's funny once or twice, but when I hear it so much, and I get an eye roll while I'm showing you the wires I'm hooked up to so the hospital can monitor my heart? It's ridiculous, and I'm completely done with it. My real friends love me when I'm at school, or when I'm not. They aren't rude to me, and they have a nice hug for me to come back to, instead of drama. I just had to throw all of this out there, to show how completely, genuinely serious I am about putting a stop to this. If you don't think I'm sick so often, I'd gladly bring you hospital bills, doctor bills, my used tissues, or a Ziploc bag full of spew. Lemme know if you'd enjoy that, eh?
Done venting. I cleared my system. I have a runny nose. Guess who's going to school tomorrow 'cause she doesn't have a fever. Ring a ding ding.
Open Mic tomorrow. We're first up, wish me luck.
I haven't felt both of those in the longest time. I vented to my dear friend, today. I vented to a "higher" friend last night. I prayed for, I think, fifteen minutes. This is abnormal for me, but I really enjoyed it. I haven't prayed in a really long time.
"Forgive my hesitation, oh but, I'm learning to trust in you."
I think I'm going to do a cover of this song, soon.
I love my friends who can tell something is wrong by just noticing my crooked smile. They can tell so quickly I'm having an off day & do by whatever means possible to try and help. A hug does the trick, or even just reading my two page note complaining about certain situations, people, etc. You guys know who you are and thank you.
Sometimes, I sincerely consider, doing half of my classes online + more; Psychology, Anthropology, Children development, etc. Things high school doesn't offer, generally. I'd still come to school for my Art classes, Choir, A.P. World History, lunch. But, I am SO sick of getting crap for not coming to school. If I was actually skipping school, or "faking sick", I'd be just fine with getting crap. I'd deserve it. If I were skipping school, I'd sure as hell be doing something fun. I wouldn't be laying in bed, sleeping, doing homework, etc. But, that's the "fun" things I do when I stay home sick. I also understand that it's stupid when I don't come to school because, I have a runny nose. But, it's never something so simple as a runny nose. If I stay home with a runny nose, it's because I also have a fever, and/or can barely speak. I come to school when the school and my parents allow me. But, I refuse to come to school throwing up, with a fever, when my immune system is dead. I refuse to come to school sick, and torturing myself for weeks, when the average cold [which rocks my shit 10X more than it would normal people], could have been gone within two days if I had stayed home and rested like my doctors tell me to do. This 17 days of missing school is NOTHING compared to the nearly three months I missed last year. So, I'd truely appreciate if people would stop harassing me with bitchy and snitty remarks of how I came to school that day, because I had missed 2 days of school a week before due to; bloodwork, a cold, and going to the hospital to be hooked up to a heart monitor. If I were faking sick, I wouldn't text you from home saying, "Hey dude, I'm really sorry I won't be there today. I'm feeling like hell, and throwing up." I'd text you and tell you, "SUCKER, I don't have to go to school today. Suck on that! I'm going to Jamba Juice!"
I enjoy school, very much. I love my friends. Sure, I hate one of my classes. But, I enjoy school overall. Getting shitty remarks for the higher percent of days that I'm actually there, about one day I missed the week before. It'll eventually make me not want to come to school at all. I refuse to let you take away something I enjoy because, you don't "believe someone can get sick so often", or you just feel funny. It's funny once or twice, but when I hear it so much, and I get an eye roll while I'm showing you the wires I'm hooked up to so the hospital can monitor my heart? It's ridiculous, and I'm completely done with it. My real friends love me when I'm at school, or when I'm not. They aren't rude to me, and they have a nice hug for me to come back to, instead of drama. I just had to throw all of this out there, to show how completely, genuinely serious I am about putting a stop to this. If you don't think I'm sick so often, I'd gladly bring you hospital bills, doctor bills, my used tissues, or a Ziploc bag full of spew. Lemme know if you'd enjoy that, eh?
Done venting. I cleared my system. I have a runny nose. Guess who's going to school tomorrow 'cause she doesn't have a fever. Ring a ding ding.
Open Mic tomorrow. We're first up, wish me luck.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Do they collide?
Content, I suppose. Right now, I'm just feeling very... here. I have multiple thoughts going on in my head at once; all speaking at once. "Need to start checking up online college courses/need to paint a few paintings/need to start putting money towards my China trip fund, because I really want to go/need to finish my heart monitoring." The human heart is a very important organ. I realized this yesterday. I mean I've always known that it was important, but it just recently hit me how necessary it was to live. How you cannot live heartless. We are not Tin Men, unfortunately. I also recently realized how screwed you are if your heart just gives out. Just stops ticking. It's interesting how one can take something, even their heart and the rest of their body, for granted. I'm not scared, really. Just curious.
Thyroids can eat larva, by the way.
Passenger Seat- Death Cab for Cutie. Music recommendation for the day.
I just got done playing my guitar underneath the stars. It was nice.
Thyroids can eat larva, by the way.
Passenger Seat- Death Cab for Cutie. Music recommendation for the day.
I just got done playing my guitar underneath the stars. It was nice.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Random thoughts;
"My membrane is melting."
I had a relatively nice day. Music Appreciation was great. Harlie & I appreciated some Queen by dancing in the corner to it like spazzes. That girl can DANCE, hahaha.

Nerd goggles/Car surfing/Dutch Bro's/Good talks with my best friend/Nose hoop/Singing to my parents/Sitting at the table & eating with my family/People who shake hands upon meeting/Pick-up lines/My other best friend coming in 5 days/sudden realizations/my guy friends humping my car & making inappropriate noises while I'm hiding my face in the Driver's seat/The Humane Society.
I think I may start walking dogs every Wednesday at the Humane Society.
I'm trying to figure out what I want to do career wise. I'm considering film maker, or screen writer. I want to minor in Psychology. & go to the Art Institute in Seattle after I get my four year degree from NIC. I start dual enrollment upcoming Junior year, I hope. I also want to do; Family n' Wedding photography, Art, and music on the side. I want to go on an Archeological dig one day, in Turkey.
China trip. Spring Break of 2011. I need to get a job and start saving up if I ever hope to go.
I need to find my lighter. My candles are feeling neglected.
I need to learn to smile while I sing.
I'm bringing Brenna her birthday painting tomorrow.
Abs in the Pantry at the Warehouse- Minus the Bear = current favourite song.
I had a relatively nice day. Music Appreciation was great. Harlie & I appreciated some Queen by dancing in the corner to it like spazzes. That girl can DANCE, hahaha.
Nerd goggles/Car surfing/Dutch Bro's/Good talks with my best friend/Nose hoop/Singing to my parents/Sitting at the table & eating with my family/People who shake hands upon meeting/Pick-up lines/My other best friend coming in 5 days/sudden realizations/my guy friends humping my car & making inappropriate noises while I'm hiding my face in the Driver's seat/The Humane Society.
I think I may start walking dogs every Wednesday at the Humane Society.
I'm trying to figure out what I want to do career wise. I'm considering film maker, or screen writer. I want to minor in Psychology. & go to the Art Institute in Seattle after I get my four year degree from NIC. I start dual enrollment upcoming Junior year, I hope. I also want to do; Family n' Wedding photography, Art, and music on the side. I want to go on an Archeological dig one day, in Turkey.
China trip. Spring Break of 2011. I need to get a job and start saving up if I ever hope to go.
I need to find my lighter. My candles are feeling neglected.
I need to learn to smile while I sing.
I'm bringing Brenna her birthday painting tomorrow.
Abs in the Pantry at the Warehouse- Minus the Bear = current favourite song.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I just learned Mr. Brightside on the piano.
I fell in love with this song all over again.
I have music appreciation class tomorrow. I'm psyched.
That is all.
Bon soir.
I fell in love with this song all over again.
I have music appreciation class tomorrow. I'm psyched.
That is all.
Bon soir.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Stay true to you.
I'm not "different" than everyone else. In some sense, we're all the same. If you know about the Evolution Tree, you'll get this. We're all of a common ancestor, and we're all human. We all have a heartbeat, we all live. We all have ideas and thoughts. These ideas and thoughts are most likely not a far fetched idea that only you have thought of. Someone has thought of this, already. For lack of motivation, or any other reasons, some ideas may have been kept hidden and unknown, but that doesn't mean you're the only person to have thought it. We all have common traits with others, and are like other people. We will have the similar, if not the same; shirt, style, haircut, car. Material things, of course. On the other hand, we will have passions, ideas, thoughts, wishes, dreams. Others may have these same functions as well. We all are different in a sense that; A combination of certain pet peeves, favourite movies, ideas for a future, etc. There may be combinations that not many people have. Curley Sue loves french fries. So do you. Curley Sue hates war. So do you. Curley Sue is allergic to dogs. You're allergic to cats. The two have similar characteristics, but that doesn't make you the same. We're all different and original, we're all the same. Your DNA has been formed in a way that will never be formed again. But, we are all human, and have the same mind. We will have similar ideas, and loves. We're just as different as we are the same in this World. Quit trying to prove to everyone you are different, 'cause frankly no one gives damn. No one gives a damn about your clothes, so don't dress to impress. No one cares if you have every Lil' Wayne poster on your wall. No one cares if you start a trend. Be yourself, be you. People will appreciate that far more, than your image of different. If you're being yourself, and you're called different? T-rrific. That person finds something about your true personality refreshing. But, don't try and convince everyone that you are something you are not. For then, you are the same as alot of other people. When you're yourself, you're more different than you will ever be while ATTEMPTING to be something you're not. Stay true to you.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Girl, where's your self control?
in my pocket.
Why do so many dwell on the past. I can't say that I've personally never done it, but I've kind of learned how to move on. How to do alot of things, actually. Self control. It's a simple method, but apparently so hard to grasp. Just waking up one day and saying, "You know what, I will not let this drag me down. This doesn't help anyone or anything." & do so. Self control is beautiful; Although, letting go is nice as well.
Spend it where it counts.
Don't let your past drag you down. I've seen this happen too many times.
Appreciate the present, and the now.
You can't change what's been done, but you can change what hasn't happened yet.
You can change your future and your present, by accepting there's no changing your past.
Changing your mood, your self being, by letting go.
I recommend it; What's done is done, all you can do is learn from it. That's all anyone can do these days. Learn. It's our main reason for living.
I want to feng shui. I want to quit sneezing and sniffling. I want to go back to school. I want to sculpt. I want to do Yoga. A wise woman once told me to sleep however, that wise woman only wants me to do so, for the possibility of going to school tomorrow.
/Sorry, Kell. My mother raised an owl.
Goodnight all.<3
Why do so many dwell on the past. I can't say that I've personally never done it, but I've kind of learned how to move on. How to do alot of things, actually. Self control. It's a simple method, but apparently so hard to grasp. Just waking up one day and saying, "You know what, I will not let this drag me down. This doesn't help anyone or anything." & do so. Self control is beautiful; Although, letting go is nice as well.
Spend it where it counts.
Don't let your past drag you down. I've seen this happen too many times.
Appreciate the present, and the now.
You can't change what's been done, but you can change what hasn't happened yet.
You can change your future and your present, by accepting there's no changing your past.
Changing your mood, your self being, by letting go.
I recommend it; What's done is done, all you can do is learn from it. That's all anyone can do these days. Learn. It's our main reason for living.
I want to feng shui. I want to quit sneezing and sniffling. I want to go back to school. I want to sculpt. I want to do Yoga. A wise woman once told me to sleep however, that wise woman only wants me to do so, for the possibility of going to school tomorrow.
/Sorry, Kell. My mother raised an owl.
Goodnight all.<3
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Keilly's the name.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.