Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Just one spark starts a fire.

Two words; Mission Accomplished.
About my Euphoria, that is.
Second day of school tomorrow.
Birthday in eighteen days.
Liscence in a month.
Everything is finally just falling into place.

"Fall into place-
love no one, lose nothing.
love no one, lose everything you never knew.
The door swings both ways & for now, I'll swing with it.
I'll swing in the opposite direction because, it's the smart chance to take.
The smart move to make, the smart heart not to break.
"Your heart can't break, silly child."
"No, it can't. It's not made of blown glass, nor am I."
I can't crack. I can't snap. I can't shatter.
I'm unbreakable- for once.
Shake me, Shake me, cause baby you can't break me.
Test the theory if you'd like, I'll be your science project;
You can be the smile on my face when you see I'm right.
-I'm just falling into place."

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Keilly's the name.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.