Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fallaste !

"A fair skinned beauty just parked on the curb, her pants cling to her body like there's no tomorrow. She's got her shades next to her, and thank god for that. The world could be lost without those piercing blue eyes; or atleast my world could be. It could crash in an instant. She's got her worries written all over her face. She can't hide destruction, but she sure as hell can make it look beautiful. Ripped jeans, straight hair, a mile long stare. The only thing missing is a cigarette between two fingers, and my fingers intertwined with the other five on the other hand."

Fifteen years old. It doesn't feel much different. I gotta admit.

It shouldn't though. It's nice to finally be able to say I'm not so young anymore. That's a plus. Another one you may ask? Liscence in three weeks. I can't explain words how amped I am to finally be getting some more freedom. AMPED, I tell you. AMPED.

So, recently, I've been thinking alot. Well, alot more than my usual huge bundle of thoughts. But, about how MY thoughts could affect how other's think. I don't mean I want people to think like me, but I know when I read something inspiring, I apply it to my morals and things as well. Plus, I started wondering [not fretting] about how the World sees me. I know I see the world as beautiful, but I don't know how the world sees me. Does it judge? Does it see me as a "child" who knows nothing? Does it see my experiences and life story as if it was written on my face? I don't know, and I never will. Because, the world is not one person. The world is the big picture, and every person is one piece. So, all I can do is be myself and let people judge. It's what we as a human race do. We judge. It's not bad. I judge. You judge, whether you'd like to admit it or not. We all judge. I'm not saying we all judge based on the right things. Some petty people will judge based off your looks and end their evaluation right then and there. I will and have been judging people based on their attitude, their respect level, how they treat others around them, how they treat themselves, and how they treat their enviroment. Those are the things I look at. If those are the wrong things to judge off of, my apologies. Judge me how you want, I'll judge you how I want. Mainly though, my concern is, for those who'd like to judge based off of my whole story. Well, obviously, I don't walk around to every human being I meet and blurt out my feelings on politics, the enviroment, religion. I don't walk around screaming my life story, or complain about my past issues all over my myspace or something. But, I do -when I get a chance- want to post up in a blog my feelings on alot of things. I'll give them each their own title, so if theres only a certain thing you're curious about, bada bing. You don't have to read and skim through the whole thing and eventually give up on it to find you were two sentences away from it in the first place. Run on sentence? I think so. Bonus poiiiiiiiiiiiiint.
...I've got a thing for run on sentences. hush.

I'll be very surprised if anyone is still reading this. 'Cause, right about now, I'm just killing time. Mine, and if you are still reading, apparently I'm a time killer for you as well. Especially if you're a slow reader. hah. The Hills comes on in half n' hour. I haven't seen that show in ages, but I love it, and everyone keeps posting myspace bulletins about it. I think that Kristen Cavallari girl is on it. Maybe that's why there's a big buzz. Who the hell gives a damn. Raise your hand. Raise your hand. If you did, you're a new hero of mine. If you didn't, don't do it now. Tryin' to be all sneaky and lie to yourself to be my hero. No. Fallaste.
Which means "YOU FAIL" in Spanish.
Suck that.
Goodnight, beautiful people.

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Keilly's the name.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.