Thursday, April 29, 2010

You're paper thin

& it's visible.

I want a College of the Arts where I can work on Cinematography. I want to stop trusting people. I want to be sixteen already. I want my tattoo. I want to be able to be spontaneous without getting in trouble because of my age. I want the World to be upside down. I want the red sheets only because of this one dream I keep having. I want rain boots. I want to move somewhere where I can be as strange as I like because there's other weird people surrounding me, so it's not actually strange at all. I'll get the chance.

I need to save up for a video camera. I need to get the images out of my head somehow. I'm not the best at drawing them, unfortunately.

What made my day; Rolling around on the ground with a two year old, Ashtin. Calling my uncle just to have him explain to my nine year old sister what a Hypochondriac is. Making up a new insult with my dad, "You're a shit puddle." A girl in my Music Appreciation class dancing and singing 'Defying Gravity' rather obnoxiously. My fake leather pants and fake leather jacket.

I hope you all had a wonderful day.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Rock Solid.

I like how everything is always changing. I never have a routine.
I've been inspired lately. I haven't felt that way in months.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Sometimes I truely just hate people in general, haha.
I need to paint my nails sometime in the next 30820841039 years.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Where have you been?

I just watched The Lovely Bones with my mama bear.
It really got me thinking again on the topic of life & death. I haven't given the topic too much thought recently. I was thinking of how one place can hold a moment. For some, the moment will be forgotten. For other's, the moment is still alive, no matter how long ago it may have been. I think about how the mother in the movie wouldn't go in Susie's room, because her essence was still lingering even though she was gone. How long does a person's essence stay around even after they are gone. I know as I'm playing Ms. Hedahl's piano, she comes to mind most of the time. I know that sometimes I can still picture her running across the room in her socks n' sandals, making all of us play "Winds of Change." We all have literally stepped where she has stepped, my fingers have stroked across the keys on the piano that her's had for years and years. It's just a connection I find comforting, I suppose. That once, somebody who is gone now, had been where I had been. Breathing, living, just as I am. With no idea that their life would end in short time. Clueless & unknowing. Just as I am. I have no idea when my time will be when it may be. It may be tomorrow, it may be in three weeks, it may be when I'm 67 years old. I do know however, that I don't find death scary. I do not fear for what comes after. I only wonder.

Lacie Hedahl, You still inspire me everyday. I miss you.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I'm done being unhappy.
I've done what I feel I can do.
I'm done wasting time being so upset.
"Keilly, can I have a cookie?"
"Did you eat breakfast?"
"What'd you have?"
"So, you went outside, took a bite out of a twig, took a deep breath of air and said, 'Ah. Life is tastey!'"
"Then, you ate a bug."
I live for conversations like these with my brothers and sisters.
They mean more than they will ever imagine to me. I love watching them grow.

Oh, and Life cereal rocks my socks.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Can't do anything right.
But, not necessarily doing anything wrong.

Moonlight Sonata

I love high school, I love the immaturity in people, I love the drama.
I'm so above it all, seriously.
All it is, is a waste of everyone's time.
The last two... Not high school. Although, I'm sure I could study for a few months, and just get my GED. It'd be a hell of alot easier.

I want a bonfire, and some XXX Vitamin Water. It all sounds so comforting.
Instead, I'm going to get ready for school, and head on over to take my music appreciation test.
Hey Baroque musical era? Yeah, Classical kicks your bum in my opinion.
Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven is beautiful. <3

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wise Words;

Wake up, This is your life.
Everyday is a brand new beginning.

Monday, April 5, 2010

"Kylie from Connecticut"

Ben Folds has officially made it to the Keilly's favourite Top Ten music list.
Welcome Ben, we have name tags, cookies, and punch over on the table.
Make yourself at home.

Root Canal / Paint on my hands / Piano.
Well, the last two made me smile.
I'll take what I can get.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


"Did I drive you away?
I know what you'll say.
You'll say, "Oh, sing one we know."
But I promise you this, I'll always look out for you.
That's what I'll do.
And sing "oh." I'll sing "oh."
My heart is yours.
It's you that I hold on to.
That's what I'll do.
But I know I was wrong, And I won't let you down.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah I will, yes I will.
But I'll sing "oh." I cry "oh."
Yeah I saw sparks, Yeah I saw sparks,
And I saw sparks, Yeah I saw sparks, singing out.
La, la, la, la, oh.
La, la, la, la, oh.
La, la, la, la, oh.
La, la, la, la, oh."

I love the moss stains on the knees of my jeans, I love how my dad & step mom fell asleep holding hands earlier, I love rolling around on the floor with the dog, I love my dollar moccasins that are honestly, kind of ugly.
I found my favourite place in the World today. I felt more free than I have ever felt up in that tree. I felt like I was on top of the World, and that even if I fell, it wouldn't be so bad. I could sit in that tree for hours and just draw, and listen to the ocean. I felt truely happy. It's moments like that, that remind me how beautiful life is. I had kind of forgotten recently. It's glad to remember, again.

Kiwi Kool-Aid. I recommend trying it.

Keilly's the name.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.