Friday, May 22, 2009

Let me be.

I'm done coloring in the lines.
I want to be messy.
I want to get out of line.
Don't restrain me,
just let me be.
Let me be messy.
Let me be out of the ordinary.
Let me be strange.
Let me say the strangest things & don't look at me like I'm crazy.
I see these things everyday, the littlest things, that just hold a place in my heart and head.
I wish I could take pictures with my eyes, and be able to show to them to you.
Would you see the beauty I see or would you just see a pile of nothing?
These pictures I take, I hold them captive in my brain, not sharing them.
I wish I could share them, I don't mean to be selfish. Really, I don't.
I'm just not sure if you could see the extraordinary things that I see.
I'm afraid to let you see my pictures, because after all, they are my pictures.
I won't have you laugh at my strange angled, random pictures of life.
You won't see what I see.
How could anyone see what I see?

I'll let you see my pictures if you promise to stay open minded.

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Keilly's the name.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.