Sunday, May 17, 2009

Enjoy Simple.

About two days ago, as I was driving in the car with my mum, we drove past the same little old farm, with the same little llamas, and the ol' white picket fence that we do nearly everyday. I'd never really thought too much of the place before. The grass was still overgrowing & peeking through the fence. The llamas were still lounging about with their babies following. The once white fence still needs re-painted. Nothing new had happened to the little home.

As we're driving, I notice this older red bike on the ground by the fence and a guy by the fence. This young guy, brown flannel, scruffy facial hair, had his camera around his neck; just leaning against the fence looking at the llamas. Not only was he watching them though, he was smiling, watching them. Smiling, almost like he knew. Like he knew life's secret. Here this man is just leaning against this old rickety fence, taking pictures of the sun and the animals, perfectly content with something so simple. generally so unnoticed. He enjoys the little things. He appreciates something that I'd never even seen until that day in that one, old farm. I couldn't help but smile & be thankful knowing that there is still people who are totally happy with the tiniest ounce of simplicity. I know you probably don't understand what I mean, but seeing that changed some outlook for me. I'd already loved the little things, but never had I appreciated them. I was never overly THANKFUL for them. I am now.

If I had a say in that ancient fence's future, I'd say leave it. leave it the "cracked white paint" way it already is.


  1. Nicely written Boo. This is a simple truism that most people in today's busy world have totally neglected whether by choice or not. Remember to take it slow and take note of everything that makes your world more aesthetically pleasing. Beauty is ALWAYS in the eye of the beholder and, as I have told you time and time again, most things you see in life are nothing more than perspective tricks.


Keilly's the name.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.