Friday, May 29, 2009


I learned something today;

Life is delicate and Love is rough.
"Life can be gone in a second, people die all the time." Alex was right. It made me think of Austin.
It can be gone in a instant, and we as a human race do things all the time, thinking we're invincible. hah. What a load of shit.

And love? Yah, something always has to be in the way. I haven't once seen a true love relationship where something wasn't in the way. I'm not saying it isn't worth it; it's just hard.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

You know what they say.

"Things happen for a reason."
I'm finding in myself that I truely believe in that statement.
In reality, we all really are just in one cycle. One circle of life.
There is always a Cause and Affect.
We hear about tree's falling on people, and a girl committing suicide because of a rude comment on her myspace.
What we do affects the people around us.
We push people past their limit, sometimes.
We hurt others because we don't think about the effect of our actions before we act.
What we do takes a toll on others.
Hell, it could be your family. It could be somebody you don't even know.
Just THINK about the outcome of a statement. THINK before you act. Just, THINK.
Be considerate.
Many people in our day & age have gotten too lazy to do so.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Let me be.

I'm done coloring in the lines.
I want to be messy.
I want to get out of line.
Don't restrain me,
just let me be.
Let me be messy.
Let me be out of the ordinary.
Let me be strange.
Let me say the strangest things & don't look at me like I'm crazy.
I see these things everyday, the littlest things, that just hold a place in my heart and head.
I wish I could take pictures with my eyes, and be able to show to them to you.
Would you see the beauty I see or would you just see a pile of nothing?
These pictures I take, I hold them captive in my brain, not sharing them.
I wish I could share them, I don't mean to be selfish. Really, I don't.
I'm just not sure if you could see the extraordinary things that I see.
I'm afraid to let you see my pictures, because after all, they are my pictures.
I won't have you laugh at my strange angled, random pictures of life.
You won't see what I see.
How could anyone see what I see?

I'll let you see my pictures if you promise to stay open minded.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Enjoy Simple.

About two days ago, as I was driving in the car with my mum, we drove past the same little old farm, with the same little llamas, and the ol' white picket fence that we do nearly everyday. I'd never really thought too much of the place before. The grass was still overgrowing & peeking through the fence. The llamas were still lounging about with their babies following. The once white fence still needs re-painted. Nothing new had happened to the little home.

As we're driving, I notice this older red bike on the ground by the fence and a guy by the fence. This young guy, brown flannel, scruffy facial hair, had his camera around his neck; just leaning against the fence looking at the llamas. Not only was he watching them though, he was smiling, watching them. Smiling, almost like he knew. Like he knew life's secret. Here this man is just leaning against this old rickety fence, taking pictures of the sun and the animals, perfectly content with something so simple. generally so unnoticed. He enjoys the little things. He appreciates something that I'd never even seen until that day in that one, old farm. I couldn't help but smile & be thankful knowing that there is still people who are totally happy with the tiniest ounce of simplicity. I know you probably don't understand what I mean, but seeing that changed some outlook for me. I'd already loved the little things, but never had I appreciated them. I was never overly THANKFUL for them. I am now.

If I had a say in that ancient fence's future, I'd say leave it. leave it the "cracked white paint" way it already is.

Keilly's the name.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.