Saturday, October 24, 2009

Accoustic will make you remember things you didn't want to.

I'm working on that uber long post of how I feel on a ton of things, that I said I was going to awhile back. I've been so occupied with that, that I feel I've been neglecting newer, shorter posts, my apologies dear friends.
mmmm. /Purple V-neck/Konstantine by Something Corporate/Sprite/Workin' Out/Drawing my own hand/Meditating/California for Thanksgiving/Liscence right after/Christmas in Chicago/Heavy Breaths/Being comfortable with your best friends/Fashion/Showering/Early Bird/YACHT/Body Modifications.
Thoughts have been thought, and I'm still thinking about these thoughts. They're keeping my mind busy and content right now.
"It's to Jimmie Eat World, and those nights in my car. When the first star you see, may not be a star. I'm not your star. Isn't that what you said, what you thought this song meant."
Oh, text message received.
It's only Tuesday, this feels odd. I feel like it should be Thursday.
"They'll never hurt you like I do, no no no."

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Keilly's the name.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.