Thursday, August 13, 2009


For the first time, in a long time, I am truely, unconditionally happy.
I can honestly say I'm growing up, and am damn happy for it.
I've come into realization that; Things seems like a bigger deal at this age then they actually are. I'm not saying they aren't important. They're just not the end of the world like some teenagers think; You don't need "love" at this age. Really, you don't. Relationships go places, they'll make an impact on you, but you can't expect to marry your boyfriend at thirteen. Love, but don't go into stupidly. Scratch that- don't go into with a childish head, cause love isn't something childish. It's for the strong, and you don't want to go into weak & naive. You don't want to lose yourself in it. I would know. I've seen it happen on several occasions.; I don't want to date. I'm kind of sick of people looking for their someone. Let it happen. Let it find you. I don't want to date because, I don't want to look for someone. When I'm ready for it, it'll find me. Not the other way around. I'm not gonna say I haven't loved, because that would be a lie, but I am saying I'm not going to chase after something that's done and over with, and I'm not gonna look for something that goes by my "standards." I don't want someone I'm expected to be with. Surprises are nice in life :) ; I'd rather have my friends, learn some languages, practice my sports, read some books, put my heart out into my sketchbook, and drink a cup of coffee everyday. (: I'm happy. I'm appreciating everything that's around me. I'm happy for those who have found love. I'm maturing. I'm focusing on what I've got, and not chasing after what I haven't.
None of this probably made any sense. Please excuse the late night ramblings of a fourteen year old girl who is very tired. Goodnight beautiful world.

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Keilly's the name.
I just enjoy speaking in general.
Somedays it'll be about important ideas,
other days it'll be about how my day went & what I ate.